
Current Research Summary

Prof. Ceccio has focused on the study of multiphase flows through the creation of a world-class laboratory at the University of Michigan and through the use of large-scale testing facilities located throughout the country. He has concentrated on the experimental examination of these complex flows with the goal of understanding fundamental processes responsible for their underlying dynamics and transport. A selected summary of his more recent research activity is presented here.

Prof. Ceccio is a world expert in the area of cavitating flows. He continues to examine a variety of cavitating flows of naval interest with the support of the Office of Naval Research (ONR), including bubble-boundary layer interactions, partial sheet cavitation, the transition of partial sheet cavitation to unsteady cloud cavitation, and the scaling of cavitation inception. His research effort has recently focused on the issue of, “limited event-rate” cavitation. These discreet cavitation events can occur in the tip vicinity of propulsors and are often detected through sound emission. As part of this effort, he has constructed a new re-circulating water tunnel to conduct cavitation research at UM. His efforts concentrated on understanding vortex-vortex interactions that lead to cavitation inception, and the active suppression of vortex inception using the injection of water and polymer solution in the region of vortex roll-up. He has also been examining the transition of partial cavitation from stable sheets to those that shed large clouds of vapor. As part of this study, his research group has developed a cinemagraphic x-ray densitometry system to measure the time evolution of the void-fraction fields. He is currently a participant in a MURI, sponsored by ONR, “Predicting Turbulent Multi-Phase Flows with High Fidelity – A Physics-Based Approach”, led by Prof. Mahesh (U. Minnesota).

A major project, designated “HIPLATE,” has been undertaken to explore the physical processes responsible for friction drag reduction through the examination of well-controlled wall-bounded turbulent shear flows, under the sponsorship of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) and ONR since 2000. An experimental program is also being conducted in the Large Cavitation Channel to examine both micro-bubble and polymer friction drag reduction. Prof. Dave Dowling and Prof. Marc Perlin of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering are co-investigators on this project. Prof Ceccio and his team designed and built a test model to produce wall-bounded shear flows capable of achieving Reynolds numbers up to 200 million. A series of experiments were conducted in Memphis between 2000 and 2006 to study the underlying physics of micro-bubble and polymer drag reduction, and these data underlay the development and validation of numerical models by three other teams sponsored by DARPA (Stanford, General Dynamics, and Penn State ARL). The results from these high Reynolds number experiments have proved to be critical to the evaluation of micro-bubble and polymer drag reduction.

During this project, the UM team developed a new drag reduction technology employing increased gas fluxes near the ship hull, Air Layer Drag Reduction (ALDR). We are currently working on an LCC test to examine ALDR and large-scale cavity flows for drag reduction on surface ships. This is an experimental and numerical effort that resulted in a large-scale LCC experiment in Winter 2007. Our goal is to examine the stability and closure of large, ventilated partial cavities, along with ALDR. We are also examining the use of indentations or pockets within a hull to form partial cavities for Partial Cavity Drag Reduction (PCDR). As part of the project, we designed a gate apparatus to permit the free-surface operation of the LCC. ONR formed a team of computational researchers from the Navy labs, Stanford, Iowa, and, Dynaflow Inc. to conduct a coordinated effort to simulate both the ALDR and PCDR flows. These results have been applied to the design and application of drag-reduction systems on full-scale platforms

We worked to evaluate the use of super-hydrophobic coatings for friction drag reduction. We are measuring the friction coefficient developed on these surfaces by a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. In a future study, micro-flow visualization will be used to examine the near-surface flow and the possible presence of surface gas pockets. We also examined how these coatings might enhance the formation of near-surface air layers. This was conducted as part of the MURI, sponsored by ONR, on Passive and Active Friction Drag Reduction of Turbulent Flows Over Super-Hydrophobic Surface led by Prof. Ceccio and involving researchers at Stanford, MIT, Johns-Hopkins, U. Minnesota, and U. Texas-Dallas.

Prof. Ceccio has worked with researchers at Sandia National Laboratories to develop Gamma Densitometry Tomography and Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) systems for the measurement of opaque multiphase flows. EIT systems employ electrical measurements at the boundary of a domain to infer the distribution of electrical conductivity within the domain. Since the conductivity of the phases within a multiphase flow can significantly differ, knowledge of the electrical impedance distribution can be used to determine the distribution of material phases. These systems have been used to examine liquid-gas, gas-solid, and three-phase flows in bubble column reactors and gas-solid riser reactors. This project was part of an industry-government-university consortium called the Multiphase Fluid Dynamics Research Consortium. We are continuing our program to develop radiation-based flow diagnostics through the design and construction of a cinemagraphic x-ray system to be implemented for gas-solid and high-void fraction bubbly flows under the support of ONR and BAPL. We are currently developing a high-speed x-ray tomography system for use with multiphase flows.

Grants and Contracts:

  1. “Cavitation Erosion: Model to Full Scale” S.L. Ceccio (P.I.), K. Mahesh (Co-P.I.) University of Memphis, 6/1/23 9/30/24, $750,000 (subcontract of ONR award)
  2. “The Effect of Biofilms on the Skin-friction Drag on Unmanned Underwater Vehicles” H. Ganesh (P. I.), S. L. Ceccio (Co. P. I.), NRL, 9/1/22 8/30/2023, $537,162
  3. “Towards a Center for Naval Engineering and Research Education” H. Ganesh (P. I.), S. L. Ceccio (Co. P. I.), ONR, 6/1/2022 5/31/2023, $249,989
  4. “The Developed Cavitation Dynamics and Intensity and Examination of Inception in Vortical Wakes” S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and H. Ganesh (Co. P. I.), ONR, 3/1/21-2/28/25, $640,000
  5. “Hydrodynamic and Hydroacoustic Science and Technology Research” D. R. Dowling (P. I.) and S. L. Ceccio (Co-P. I.), ONR 2/28/19-2/27/24, $3,223,108 (Cost Ceiling on a Level of Effort Contract)
  6. “The Role of Unsteady Cloud Shedding on Cavitation Intensity” S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and E. Johnsen (co-P.I.), ONR, 1/1/18-12/31/20, $446,252
  7. “Predicting turbulent multi-phase flows with high fidelity: a physics-based approach” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.) University of Minnesota, 8/1/2017 – 7/31/2021, $750,000 (subcontract of ONR MURI)
  8. “Time-Resolved Tomographic Particle Imaging Velocimetry System for the Examination of Cavitation Inception” S. L. Ceccio (P. I.), ONR, 6/1/16-6/1/17, $310,119
  9. “High Resolution Quantification of Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows along Biofilms and their Associated Drag” M. Perlin (P.I.) and S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), NAVSEA, 6/2/16-6/1/19, $450,984.
  10. “ACV Resistance, Propulsion, and Powering Parameter Setting Study and Technology Assessment” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), and A. Troesch (co-P.I.) ONR, 4/1/16-9/30/16, $246,920.
  11. “Super-Hydrophobic Surface Skin Friction Drag Reduction in High Reynolds Number Turbulent Flow” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), Princeton University, 10/1/15 -9/30/16, $150,000
  12. “Equipment for advanced simulations and experiments of bubble dynamics”, E. Johnsen (P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P. I.), S. Mäkiharju (co-P.I.) ONR, 6/1/15-6/1/16, $249,328.
  13. “ABS – University of Michigan Research Program for Marine and Offshore Design Performance” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), D. Karr (co-P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), K. Maki (co-P.I.), D. Singer (co-P.I.), J. Sun (co-P.I.), I. Kolmanovsky (co-P.I.), R. Eustice (co-P.I.), M. Johnson-Roberson (co-P.I.), 1/15-12/15, American Bureau of Shipping, $795,517.
  14. “Multi-Phase Leakage Flow Validation Data” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.) and S. Makiharju (co-P.I.), 9/1/14-10/31/16, DoE, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, $416,750.
  15. “Feasibility Study on High-Power Ultra-Fast X-Ray Tomography” S. Makiharju (P.I.), S.L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), 9/1/14-8/31/14, DoE, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, $149.608.
  16. “Hosting Tomographic PIV Training” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.) and S. Makiharju (co-P.I.), 7/5/14-10/31/14, DoE, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, $49,867.
  17. “X-Ray Based Diagnostics For the Study of Sheet-to-Cloud Transition of Partial Cavities”, S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), 5/1/14-4/30/17, Office of Naval Research, $495,637.
  18. “Non-intrusive Measurements of Oil Film Thickness between Operating-Gear Teeth” D. R. Dowling (P.I.) and S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), 1/14-12/14, General Electric Company, $105,000.
  19. “ABS – University of Michigan Research Center for Marine and Offshore Design Performance” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), D. Karr (co-P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), K. Maki (co-P.I.), D. Singer (co-P.I.), J. Sun (co-P.I.), I. Kolmanovsky (co-P.I.), N. Vlahoupoulos (co-P.I.), R. Eustice (co-P.I.), M. Johnson-Roberson (co-P.I.), 9/13-8/14, American Bureau of Shipping, $1,246,487.
  20. “Management of Microbubbles in Ship Wakes” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), 9/17/11 – 2/28/14, Global Core Research Center- Pusan National University, $219,106.
  21. “MURI- Passive and Active Friction Drag Reduction of Turbulent Flows Over Super-Hydrophobic Surfaces” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), Prof. M. Perlin (Co-P.I.), Prof. A. Tuteja (Co-P.I.), Prof. W. Choi (Co-P.I., University of Texas at Dallas), Prof. R. Cohen (Co-P.I., Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Prof. J. Katz (Co-P.I., Johns Hopkins University), Prof. K. Mahesh (Co-P.I., University of Minnesota), Prof. G. McKinley (Co-P.I., Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Prof. A. Mani (Co-P.I., Stanford University), 6/12 – 5/17, ONR, $4,018,678.
  22. “Experimental Investigation of Gearbox Lubrication”, D. R. Dowling (P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), and M. R. Hartman (co-P.I.), 5/11 -4/13, General Electric Company, $271,445.
  23. “Experimental Examination of Inter-Channel Mixing Through a Narrow Gap”, S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), 9/11 -8/13, DoE, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, $350,128 (with an additional $89,218 in optional tasks).
  24. “Experimental Investigation of Partial Cavitation and Its Transition to Cloud Cavitation”, S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), 1/11- 12/13, ONR, $449,966.
  25. “Air Lubrication Drag Reduction on Great Lakes Ships”, S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), 10/16/10- 10/15/11, Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute, $25,000.
  26. “Management of Ship-Wake Bubble Populations” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), 7/1/10- 9/30/13, ONR, $479,543.
  27. “Control of Tip-Vortex Cavitation Suppression and Gas Sheet Breakup (Supplement)” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), 7/10-12/10, ONR, $39,700.
  28. “Establishment of a Naval Engineering Education Consortium” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), (with 9 UM Co-Investigators and 15 subcontracting organizations), 4/1/10-9/30/15, NAVSEA, $49,936,853 (Cost Ceiling on a Level of Effort Contract).
  29. “STTR Phase II – Harvesting Hydrokinetic Energy Usiing Vortex Induced Vibration and Fish Biomimetics” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), M. Bernitsas (co-P.I.), Vortex Hydro Energy, LLC, 9/1/10-8/31/12, $149,999.
  30. “Surface Effect Ship Bow Seal High Reynolds Number Experiment” S. F. Zalek (P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), 10/09-9/11, ONR, $1,680,689.
  31. “Understanding of Lean Premixed Combustors from Cinema-Imaging of Turbulent Eddy-Flame Interactions” J. Driscoll (P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), 8/09-7/12, NSF, $311,806.
  32. “A study of Horizontal Gas Jets in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed of Non-Spherical Particles,” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), J. S. Curtis (co-P.I.-U. Florida), 1/09-12/10, U.S. DoE, National Energy Technology Laboratory, $315,219
  33. “Experimental, Computational, and Design Tools for Turbomachinery Rotor Vibration,” B. I. Epureanu (P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), 4/05-6/10, General Electric Aviation, $175,000.
  34. “Measurement of Skin Friction From a Turbulent Boundary Layer For Various Surfaces and Coatings,” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), 11/08-12/09, ONR, $137,562.
  35. “Influence of Flow Perturbations on the Development and Maintenance of Air Layers,” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), D. Dowling (co-PI), and M. Perlin (co-P.I.), Office of Naval Research, $97,284, 1/08-6/09, ONR, $2,026,579.
  36. “Gas and Polymer Ingestion into a Water-Jet,” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.) and M. Perlin (co-P.I.), 9/07-4/08, ONR, $97,284.
  37. “Design Tools for the Sea-Base-Connector Transformable Craft (T-Craft) Prototype Demonstrator,” A. Troesch (P.I.), N. Vlahopoulos (co-P.I.), D. Carr (co-P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), S. Zalek (co-P.I.), 4/07-12/08, ONR, $867,581.
  38. “Testing of a Super-Hydrophobic Coating for Friction Drag Reduction,” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.) 5/07-9/07, SeaShell Technology LLC (Phase 1b of ONR-STTR), $9,000.
  39. “Testing of a Super-Hydrophobic Coating for Friction Drag Reduction,” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.) 1/07-4/07, SeaShell Technology LLC (Phase 1a of ONR-STTR), $1,600.
  40. “Control of Tip-Vortex Cavitation Suppression and Gas Sheet Breakup,” S. L. Ceccio, 1/07-12/09, ONR, $555,331.
  41. “Super-Hydrophobic Coatings for Friction Drag Reduction” M. Perlin (P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), W. W. Schultz (co-P.I.): 5/06-4/07, Michigan Molecular Institute, (Phase 1 of ONR-STTR), $21,019.
  42. “Experimental, Computational, and Design Tools for Turbomachinery Rotor Vibration” M. P. Castenier (P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), B. I. Epureanu (co-P.I.): 4/05-6/10, GE Aviation, $885,000.
  43. “Influence of Roughness on the Effectiveness and Persistence of Polymer Drag Reduction” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), D. Dowling (co-P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), M. Solomon (co-P.I.), 4/06-4/07, DARPA, $225,520.
  44. “Evaluation of Air Cavity Lubrication at High Reynolds Numbers” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), D. Dowling (co-P.I.), and W. Schultz (co-P.I.), 12/05 – 6/07, ONR, $1,005,177.
  45. “Evaluation Friction Drag Reduction Methods for Naval Applications” ” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), A. Troesch (co-P.I.), 12/05 – 12/06, ONR, $80,000.
  46. “Microbubble and Polymer Drag Reduction at High Reynolds Numbers and Large Scales” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), D. Dowling (co-P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), 8/05-12/05, ONR, $60,557 (additional funding).
  47. “High Reynolds Number Micro-bubble and Polymer Drag Reduction Experiments,” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), D. Dowling (co-P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), M. Solomon (co-P.I.), 9/03-11/06, DARPA, $200,000 (additional funding).
  48. “Cinema-PIV-PLIF system to Image the Dynamics of Supersonic Combusters,” AFOSR, J. Driscoll (P. I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P. I.), 5/04- 5/05, $280,000
  49. “Next-Generation Modeling, Analysis and Testing of the Vibration of Mistuned Bladed Disks,” AFOSR, M. Castenier (P.I.), C. Pierre (co-P.I.), B. Epureanu (co-P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), 3/04-12/06, $288,352.
  50. “High Reynolds Number Micro-bubble and Polymer Drag Reduction Experiments,” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), D. Dowling (co-P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), M. Solomon (co-P.I.), 9/03-11/06, DARPA, $3,299,493.
  51. “Modeling and Visualization of Clutch Performance: A Proposal to the Dynax Corporation.” W. W. Schultz (P. I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P. I.), Dynax Corp., 5/03 – 7/05, $200,612
  52. “Inception and Development of Vortex and Sheet Cavitation,” S. L. Ceccio (P. I.), ONR, 3/03 – 3/06, $420,066.
  53. “Hydrodynamic Sound Source Localization System,” D. Dowling (P. I.), S. L. Ceccio, (co-P.I.), ONR, 5/03 – 5/04, $114,992
  54. “Scanning Laser Vibrometry System for Mistuned Bladed Disk Vibration Diagnostics,” C. Pierre (P. I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P. I.) and M. Castanier (co-P. I.), AFOSR, 5/03 – 5/04, $159,000.
  55. “Design of a High-Speed Friction Drag Reduction Experiment Using the William B. Morgan Large Cavitation Channel,” S. L. Ceccio (P.I.), D. Dowling (co-P.I.), M. Perlin (co-P.I.), R. Beck (co-P.I.), 5/03- 1/04, ONR, $1,858,951.
  56. “Microscopic mechanisms for skin friction reduction by microbubbles,” Y. Kodoma (co-P.I.), Y. Murai (co-P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.) ONR-NICOP, 12/02 – 12/05, $300,000, 3 years
  57. “Velocity and Microbubble Measurements-DURIP,” ONR, $435,129, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) 6/1/02-6/1/03
  58. “Cinema-PIV Measurements of Turbulent Co-Flow Jets,” NSF, 3 Years, $255,000, J. Driscoll (P. I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P. I.) 6/1/02-5/30/05
  59. “Dynamics and Acoustics of Trailing Edge Flows at High Reynolds Number” ONR, 9/01-12/02, $35,000, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and D. R. Dowling (co-P. I.) (supplement)
  60. “High Speed Ship Testing”, ONR, R. Beck (P.I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I.), $75,000, 3/01-9/02
  61. “Dynamics and Acoustics of Trailing Edge Flows at High Reynolds Number” ONR, 9/01-12/02, $250,000, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and D. R. Dowling (co-P. I.) (supplement)
  62. “Microbubble and Polymer Drag Reduction at High Reynolds Numbers and Large Scales” DARPA/ONR, $2,718,693, 3/01-12/04, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.), D. R. Dowling (co-P. I.), M. Perlin (co-P. I.)
  63. “Dynamics of Turbulent Separated Shear Flows at High Reynolds Numbers” ONR, 2/99-1/02, $120,000, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and D. R. Dowling (co-P. I.) (supplement)
  64. “Experiment-based Development and Validation of Mistuning Models for Bladed Disks,” AFOSR, $457,456, C. Pierre (P. I.), S. L. Ceccio (co-P. I.) and M. Castanier (co-P. I.), 9/00 – 8/03
  65. “Examination of the Dynamic Behavior of Solids Distribution in Recirculating Gas-Solid Riser Reactors using Electrical Impedance Tomography,” NSF, 8/00 – 7/03, $336,000, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.), W. W. Schultz (co-P. I.), and R. Cocco (co-P. I.)
  66. “Performance Testing of Blood Pumps,” Terumo Cardiovascular Systems, 1/00-12/00, $75,000, S. L. Ceccio
  67. “Simulation of Cavitating Flows Using FLUENT and STAR-CD,” Ford Motor Company, 3/00-12/00, $30,624, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.)
  68. “Computational Modeling of the Effect of Secondary Forces on the Phase Distribution in Dispersed Multiphase Flows,” NASA, 5/00 – 11/03, $360,000 G. Tryggvason (P. I.) and S. L. Ceccio (co-P. I.)
  69. “Development of an Electrical Impedance Tomography System for GDI,” Daimler-Chrysler, 9/99 -8/01, $203,205, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and V. Sick, (co-P. I.)
  70. “Fabrication of a Large Two-Dimensional hydrofoil for Flow Studies in the Large Cavitation Channel” ONR, 2/99-1/02, $200,000, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and D. R. Dowling (co-P. I.)
  71. “Dynamics of Turbulent Separated Shear Flows at High Reynolds Numbers” ONR, 2/99-1/02, $774,430, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and D. R. Dowling (co-P. I.)
  72. “Dynamics of Cavitation on Rotating Propulsors,” ONR, 5/99-4/02, $1,683,461, S. L. Ceccio
  73. “Performance Testing of Blood Pumps,” 3M-Sarns, 1/99-4/99, $40,507, S. L. Ceccio
  74. “An Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry System for the Study of Mistuned Bladed Disks” Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) 3/97-2/00, $140,000 C. Pierre (P. I.) and S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I)
  75. “Experimental-Based Development of Phenomenological Mistuning Models for Bladed Disks” Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) 3/97-2/00, $421,505, C. Pierre (P. I.) and S. L. Ceccio (co-P.I)
  76. “Development of Electrical Impedance Tomography for the Characterization of Opaque Multiphase Flows,” DOE-SNL, 5/97-5/98, $30,980, S. L. Ceccio
  77. “Partial Cavitation on a 3-Dimensional Hydrofoil: Experimental and Numerical Studies-AASERT,” ONR, 6/97-5/2000, $100,000, S. L. Ceccio
  78. “PIV Cinematography System for High Reynolds Number Multiphase Flows-DURIP,” ONR, $139,000, S. L. Ceccio.
  79. “Liquid Metal Particle Deposition,” NASA, 9/96-8/99, $66,000, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and G. Tryggvason (co- P. I.)
  80. “Dynamics and Closure of Sheet Cavitation,” ONR, 10/95-9/98, $375,000, S. L. Ceccio
  81. “Characterization of Sprinkler Sprays and Their Interaction with Fire Induced Flows,” NIST, 9/95-8/98, $309,735, A. Atreya and S. L. Ceccio
  82. “Fundamentals of Mold-Free Casting: Experiments and Computational Studies,” NASA, 1/94-12/95, $103,329, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and G. Tryggvason (co- P. I.)
  83. “Fluid Mechanics of Electrorheological Materials,” Rackham Fellowship, 1993, $12,000, S. L. Ceccio.
  84. “HPIV Measurements in Cavitating Flows,” Office of Naval Research, 10/92-9/95, $173,239, S. L. Ceccio (P. I.) and L. Bernal. (co-P. I.)
  85. “Experimental Study of Cavitation Transients and Boundary Layer Interactions,” ONR, 6/91-5/94, $228,372 with $25,000 supplement 6/92, S. L. Ceccio.
  86. “Large Scale Experiments on Cavitation Bubble Dynamics and Acoustics-AASERT Augmentation Award,” ONR, 9/92-10/95, $227,401, S. L. Ceccio.
  87. “Large Scale Experiments on Cavitation Bubble Dynamics and Acoustics,” Office of Naval Research, 1/91-12/92, $118,949, S. L. Ceccio.