
Articles in refereed journals, transactions or archives:

  1. Bhatt, A., Ganesh, H. Ceccio, S. L. “Partial Cavity Shedding on a Hydrofoil Resulting From Re-entrant Flow and Bubbly Shock Fronts”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 957, A28 (2023)
  2. Halvey, A. K., Golovin, K., Boban, M., Dhyani, A., Lee, D. H., Gose, J., Ceccio, S. L., Tuteja, A. “Rapid and Robust Surface Treatment to Minimize Fouling by Liquids and Solids”,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 13, No. 44, pp 3171-53180 (2021)
  3. Wu, J. Deijlen, L., Ganesh, H., Bhatt, A., Ceccio, S. L. “Cavitation Dynamics and Vortex Shedding in the Wake of a Bluff Body”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 917, A26. doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.263 (2021)
  4. Bhatt, A., Ganesh, H. Ceccio, S. L. “Cavitation in Wake of a Backward Facing Step”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 139, 103584 (2021)
  5. Gose, J. W., Golovin, K. B., Boban, M., Barros, J. M., Schultz, M. P., Perlin, M., & Ceccio, S. L. “Turbulent Skin Friction Reduction Through the Application of Superhydrophobic Coatings to a Towed Submerged Body”, Journal of Ship Research,pp 1-9 (2020)
  6. Hartenberger, J. D., Callison, E. G., Gose, J. W., Perlin, M., Ceccio, S. L. “Drag production mechanisms of filamentous biofilms”, Biofouling, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 736-752 (2020)
  7. Barwey, S., Ganesh, H., Hassanaly, M., Knister, D., Raman, V., Ceccio, S. L, Johnsen, E. “Data-Driven Analysis of Spontaneous Transition in Multimodal Cavitation”, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 61, No. 4 (2020)
  8. Harwood, C. M., Felli, M., Falchi, M., Garg, N., Ceccio, S. L., and Young, Y. L. “The hydroelastic response of a surface-piercing hydrofoil in multiphase flow: Part 2- System identification of modal parameters and generalized fluid forces”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 884, A3-1, pp. 1-59 (2020)
  9. Harwood, C. M., Felli, M., Falchi, M., Ceccio, S. L., and Young, Y. L. “The hydroelastic response of a surface-piercing hydrofoil in multiphase flow: Part 1- Hydrodynamics and passive hydroelasticity”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 881, pp. 313-364 (2019)
  10. Barbaca, L., Pearce, B. W., Brander, P. A., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L., “On the unsteady behavior of cavity flow over a 2-D wall mounted fence”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 874, pp. 483-525 (2019)
  11. Di Napoli, I. M., Ceccio, S. L., Young, Y. L., and Harwood, C. M. “Design and benchmarking of a low-cost shape sensing spar for in-situ measurement of deflections in slender lifting surfaces”, Smart Materials and Structures, (submitted) (2018)
  12. Wu, J., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L. “Multimodal partial cavity shedding dynamics on a NACA0015 two-dimensional hydrofoil and its relation to the presence of bubbly shocks”, Experiments in Fluids, (submitted) (2018)
  13. Gose, J. W., Golovin, K., Boban, M., Mabry, J. M., Tuteja, A., Perlin, M., Ceccio, S. L., and, “Characterization of superhydrophobic surfaces for drag reduction in turbulent flow”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 845, pp. 560-580 (2018)
  14. Mäkiharju, S. and Ceccio, S. L. “On Multi-Point Gas Injection to Form an Air Layer for Frictional Drag Reduction”, Ocean Engineering, Vol, 147, pp. 206-214 (2018)
  15. Ganesh., H., Mäkiharju., S., and Ceccio, S. L., “Bubbly shock propagation as a mechanism of shedding in separated cavitating flows”, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 29 (6), pp. 907-916, (2017)
  16. Yoon, S., Mäkiharju, S., Fessler, J. A., and Ceccio, S. L. “Image reconstruction for limited angle electron beam X-ray computed tomography with energy-integrating detectors for multiphase flows”, I.E.E.E. Transactions on Computational Imaging, DOI 10.1109/TCI.2017.2775603, pp. 1-13 (2017)
  17. Mäkiharju, S., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L., “On the dynamics of cloud cavitation and the effect of non-condensable gas”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 829, pp. 420-458 (2017)
  18. Mäkiharju, S., Lee, I.-H., Filip, G., Maki, K., Ceccio, S. L., “The topology of gas jets injected beneath a surface and subject to liquid cross-flow”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 818, pp. 141-183 (2017)
  19. Young, Y. L., Harwood, C.M., Miguel Montero, F., Ward, J. and Ceccio, S. L. “Ventilation of Lifting Surfaces: Review of the Physics and Scaling Relations, Applied Mechanics Reviews”, Vol. 69(1), No. 010801 (2017)
  20. Harwood, C. M., Young, Y. L., and Ceccio, S. L. “Ventilated cavities on a surface piercing hydrofoil at moderate Froude numbers: cavity formation, elimination, and stability”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol, 800, pp. 5 – 56 (2016)
  21. Ganesh, H., Mäkiharju, S., and Ceccio, S. L., “Bubbly shock propagation as a mechanism for sheet-to-cloud transition of partial cavities”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 802, pp. 37-78 (2016)
  22. Perlin, M., Dowling, D. R., and Ceccio, S. L. “Freeman Scholar Review: Passive and Active Friction Drag Reduction of Turbulent Boundary Layers Journal of Fluids Engineering”, Vol. 138, No. 9, 091104 (2016)
  23. Golovin, K., Gose, J. W., J. M., Perlin, M., Ceccio, S. L., and Tuteja, A., “Bio-Inspired Surfaces for Turbulent Drag Reduction”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A,Vol. 374 No. 2073, 20160189 (2016)
  24. Lee, I.-H., Mäkiharju, S., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L., “Scaling of Gas Diffusion into Limited Partial Cavities,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 051301, pp. 1- 9 (2016)
  25. Ganesh, H., Schot, J., and Ceccio, S. L. “Stationary Vortex Cavitation Bubbles Forming in a Delta Wing Vortex,” Physics of Fluids,Vol. 26, No. 127102, pp 1-19 (2014)
  26. Bidkar, R. A., Leblanc, L., Kulkarni, A. J., Bahadur, V., Ceccio, S. L., and Perlin, M. “Skin Friction Drag Reduction in the Turbulent Regime Using Random-Textured Hydrophobic Surfaces,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 26, No. 085108, pp 1-18 (2014)
  27. Yang, J. W., Park, H., Chun, H. H., Ceccio, S. L., Perlin, M., and Lee, I. “Development of skin-friction reduction marine paint using polymer additive and its performance evaluation,” Ocean Engineering, Vol. 84, pp 183-193 (2014)
  28. Elbing, B. R., Perlin, M., Dowling, D. R., and Ceccio, S. L. “Modification of the Mean Near-Wall Velocity Profile of a High-Reynolds Number Turbulent Boundary Layer with the Injection of Drag-Reducing Polymer Solutions,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 25, No. 085103, pp 1-13 (2013)
  29. Mäkiharju, S., Gabillet, Paik, B.-G., Chang, N. A., and Ceccio, S. L. “Time Resolved 2D X-Ray Densitometry of Two Phase Flow Behind a Ventilated Cavity” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 54, pp 1561 – 1582 (2013)
  30. Mäkiharju, S., Elbing, B., Wiggins, A., Schinasi, S., Perlin, M., J.-M. Vanden-Broeck, Dowling, D., Ceccio, S. L. “Influence of Reynolds and Froude Numbers on a Ventilated Partial Cavity,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 732, pp. 47-76 (2013)
  31. Wiggins, A., Zalek, S., Perlin, M., Ceccio, S. L., Doctors, L.,, and Etter, R. J. “Development of a Large Scale Surface Effect Ship Bow Seal Testing Platform,” Journal of Ship Production and Design, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp 1-8 (2013)
  32. Rangarajan, D., Mychkovsky, A. G., Curtis, J. S., and Ceccio, S. L., “Effect of emulsion fluidization state on the fluctuations in gas and particle velocities inside the plume of a gas jet penetrating a fluidized bed,” Powder Technology, Vol. 242, pp 74-80 (2013)
  33. Mäkiharju, S., Perlin, M., and Ceccio, S. L. “On the Energy Economics of Air Lubrication Drag Reduction,” International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp 412-422 (2013)
  34. Mäkiharju, S., Perlin, M. and Ceccio, S. L. “Time Resolved X-ray Densitometry of Cavitating and Ventilated Partial Cavities,” International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 60 pp 471-494 (2013)
  35. Elbing, B., Mäkiharju, S., Wiggins, A., Perlin, M., Dowling, D., Ceccio, S. L. “On the Scaling of Air Layer Drag Reduction,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 717, pp 484-513 (2013)
  36. Winkel, E. S., Cutbirth, J. M., Ceccio, S. L., Perlin, M., and Dowling, D. R. “Turbulence Profiles from a Smooth Flat-Plate Turbulent Boundary Layer at High Reynolds Number,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 40, pp 140 – 149 (2012)
  37. Mychkovsky, A.G. and Ceccio, S. L. “LDV measurements and analysis of gas and particulate phase velocity profiles in a vertical jet plume in a 2D bubbling fluidized bed Part III: The effect of fluidization,” Powder Technology, Vol. 220, pp 37 – 46 (2012) (2012)
  38. Mychkovsky, A.G. and Ceccio, S. L. “LDV measurements and analysis of gas and particulate phase velocity profiles in a vertical jet plume in a 2D bubbling fluidized bed Part II: Mass and Momentum Transport,” Powder Technology, Vol. 220, pp 47 – 54 (2012) (2012)
  39. Mychkovsky, A.G., Rangarajan, D., and Ceccio, S. L. “LDV measurements and analysis of gas and particulate phase velocity profiles in a vertical jet plume in a 2D bubbling fluidized bed Part I: A Two phase LDV measurement technique,” Powder Technology, Vol. 220, pp 55 – 62 (2012)
  40. Chang, N., Choi, J., Yakushuji, R., and Ceccio, S. L., “Cavitation inception during the interaction of a pair of counter-rotating vortices,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 24, No. 014017, pp 1- 15 (2012)
  41. Chang, N., Ganesh, H., Yakushiji, R., and Ceccio, S. L. “Tip Vortex Cavitation Suppression by Active Mass Injection,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 133, No. 11, pp 1-11, (2011)
  42. Chang, N. and Ceccio, S. L., “The acoustic emissions of cavitation bubbles in stretched vortices,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 130, No. 5, pp 3209-3219 (2011)
  43. Aphale, C. R., Schultz, W. W., and Ceccio, S. L. “Aeration in lubrication with application to drag torque reduction,” Journal of Tribology, Vol. 133, No. 3, pp 1 – 7 (2011)
  44. Bian S., Driscoll, J. F., Elbing, B. R., and Ceccio, S. L., “Time Resolved Flow Field and Pressure Measurements of a Turbulent Mixing Layer Above a Rectangular Cavity,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp 51 – 63 (2011)
  45. Elbing, B. R., Solomon, M. J., Perlin, M, Dowling, D. R., and Ceccio, S. L. “Flow-induced Degradation of Drag-reducing Polymer Solutions Within a High-Reynolds Number Turbulent Boundary Layer,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 670, pp 337-364 (2011)
  46. Oweis, G. F., Winkel, E. S., Cutbirth, J. M., Ceccio, S. L., Perlin, M., and Dowling, D. R., “The Mean Velocity Profile of a Smooth Flat-Plate Turbulent Boundary Layer at High Reynolds Number,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 665, pp 357 – 381 (2010)
  47. Winkel E. S., Elbing, B. R., Dowling, D. R., Perlin, M., and Ceccio, S. L. “High-Reynolds-number turbulent-boundary-layer wall pressure fluctuations with dilute polymer solutions,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 22, No. 085104, pp 1 – 11 (2010)
  48. Elbing, B. R., Dowling, D. R., Perlin, M., and Ceccio, S. L. “Diffusion of Drag-Reducing Polymer Solutions within a Rough-Walled Turbulent Boundary Layer,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 22, No. 054102, pp 1-13 (2010)
  49. Bian, S., Ceccio, S. L., and Driscoll, J. F., “Dual-Camera Digital Cinemagraphic Particle Imaging Velocimetry Measurements at Kilohertz Frame Rates,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp 487 -495 (2010)
  50. Lay, K., Yakushiji, R., Mäkiharju, S., Perlin, M., and Ceccio, S. L., “Partial Cavity Drag Reduction at High Reynolds Numbers,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp 109-119 (2010)
  51. Ceccio, S. L. “Friction Drag Reduction of External Flows with Bubble and Gas Injection,” Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 42, pp 183-203 (2010)
  52. Aphale, C. R., Schultz, W. W., Ceccio, S. L., “The influence of grooves on the fully aerated flow between open clutch plates,” Journal of Tribology, Vol. 132, No. 1, pp 1-7 (2010)
  53. Mychkovsky, A. G., Chang, N. A., Ceccio, S. L., “Bragg cell laser intensity modulation: effect on laser Doppler velocimetry measurements,” Applied Optics, Vol. 48, No. 18, pp 3468-3474 (2009)
  54. Elbing, B. R., Winkel, E. S., Solomon, M. J., and Ceccio, S. L., “Degradation of Homogenous Polymer Solutions in Large Diameter, High Shear Turbulent Pipe Flow,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp 1033-1044 (2009)
  55. Holland, D. E., Filippi, S., Castanier, M. P., Ceccio, S. L., and Epureanu, B. I. “Integrated Testing and Calibration Procedures for Mistuning Identification and Traveling Wave Excitation of Blisks,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 132, No. 4, pp 1- 9 (2009)
  56. Judge, J. A., Pierre, C. P., Castanier, M. P., and Ceccio, S. L., “Experimental Mistuning Identification in Bladed Disks using a Component Mode-Based Reduced-Order Model: Theory and Application,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 47, No. 5., pp 1277-1287 (2009)
  57. Steinberg, A. M., Driscoll, J. F., and Ceccio, S. L., “Measurement of Turbulent Premixed Flame Dynamics Using Cinema Stereoscopic PIV,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp 985-999 (2009)
  58. Steinberg, A. M., Driscoll, J. F., and Ceccio, S. L., “Three-Dimensional Temporally Resolved Measurements of Turbulence-Flame Interactions Using Orthogonal-Plane Cinema-Stereoscopic PIV,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp 527 (2009)
  59. Choi, J., Hsiao, C.-T., Chahine, G. L., and Ceccio, S. L., “Growth, Oscillation, and Collapse of Vortex Cavitation Bubbles,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 624, pp 255-279 (2009)
  60. Winkel, E. S., Oweis, G. F., Vanapalli, S. A., Dowling, D. R., Perlin, M., Solomon, M. J., and Ceccio, S. L. “High Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer friction drag reduction from wall-injected polymer solutions,”Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 621 pp 259-288 (2009)
  61. Steinberg, A. M., Driscoll, J. F., and Ceccio, S. L., “Temporal Evolution of Flame Stretch due to Turbulence and the Hydrodynamic Instability,” Proc. of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp 1713-1721 (2009)
  62. Elbing, B. R., Winkel, E. S., Lay, K. A., Ceccio, S. L., Dowling, D. R., and Perlin, M., “Bubble-Induced Skin-friction Drag Reduction and the Abrupt Transition to Air-layer Drag Reduction,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 612, pp 201- 236 (2008)
  63. Winkel, E. S., Elbing, B. R., Ceccio, S. L., Perlin, M., Dowling, D. R., “High-Reynolds-number turbulent-boundary-layer wall pressure fluctuations with skin friction reduction by gas injection,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 125, No. 5, pp 2522 – 2530 (2008)
  64. Tortora, P. R., Ceccio, S. L., Mychkovsky, A.G., “Hern, T. J., Torczynski, J. R., “Radial Profiles of Solids Loading and Flux in a Gas-Solid Circulating Fluidized Bed,” Powder Technology, Vol. 180, No. 3, pp 312 – 320 (2007)
  65. Sabra, K.G., Winkel, E. S., Bourgoyne, D. A., Elbing, B. R., Ceccio, S. L., Perlin, M., and Dowling, D. R., “On using cross correlations of turbulent flow-induced ambient vibrations to estimate the structural impulse response. Application to structural health monitoring,”Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 121, No. 4, pp 1987 – 1995 (2007)
  66. Chang, N.A., Yakushiji, R., Dowling, D. R., and Ceccio, S. L., “Cavitation visualization of vorticity bridging during the merger of co-rotating line vortices,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 19, Art. No. 058106, pp 1 – 3 (2007)
  67. Choi, J. and Ceccio, S. L., “Dynamics and Noise Emission from Vortex Cavitation Bubbles,”Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 575, pp 1 – 26 (2007)
  68. Kunz, R. F., Gibeling, H. J., Maxey, M. R., Tryggvason, G., Fontaine, A. A., Petrie, H. L., and Ceccio, S. L., “Validation of Two-Fluid Eulerian CFD Modeling for Microbubble Drag Reduction across a Wide Range of Reynolds Numbers,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 1, pp 66-79 (2007)
  69. Shen, X., S. L. Ceccio, and M. Perlin, “Influence of bubble size on micro-bubble drag reduction,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol.41, No.3, pp415-424 (2006)
  70. Vanapalli, S. A., S. L. Ceccio, and M. J. Solomon, “Universal scaling for polymer chain scission in turbulence,” Proc. National Academy of Science, Vol.103, No.45, pp 16660-16665 (2006)
  71. Tortora, P. R., S. L. Ceccio, T. J. O’Hern, J. R. Torczynski, and S. M. Trujillo, “Quantitative Measurement of Solids Distribution in Gas-Solid Riser Flows Using Electrical Impedance Tomography and Gamma Densitometry Tomography,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.32, No.8, pp 972-995(2006)
  72. Sanders, W. C., E. Winkel, D. R. Dowling, M. Perlin, S. L. Ceccio, “Bubble Friction Drag Reduction in a High Reynolds Number Flat Plate Turbulent Boundary Layer,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.552, pp353-380 (2006)
  73. Aphale, C. R., Cho, J., Schultz, W. W., Ceccio, S. L., Yoshioka, T., and Hiraki, H. “Modeling and Parametric Study of Torque in Open Clutch Plates,” Journal of Tribology, Vol. 128, pp. 422-430 (2006)
  74. Oweis, G., D. Fry, C. J. Chesnakas, S. D. Jessup, and S. L. Ceccio, “Development of a Tip-Leakage Flow: Part 2- Comparison Between the Ducted and Un-ducted Rotor,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol.128, pp764-773 (2006)
  75. Oweis, G., D. Fry, C. J. Chesnakas, S. D. Jessup, and S. L. Ceccio, “Development of a Tip-Leakage Flow: Part 1- The Flow Over a Range of Reynolds Numbers,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol.128, pp751-764 (2006)
  76. Cho, J., Perlin, M., and Ceccio, S. L. “Measurement of near-wall stratified bubbly flows using electrical impedance,” Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 1021-1029 (2005)
  77. Fernandez, A., Tryggvason, G., Che, J., and Ceccio, S. L., “The Effects of Electrostatic Forces on the Distribution of Drops in a Channel Flow: Two Dimensional Oblate Drops,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17, No. 9, Art. No. 093302, pp 1 – 15 (2005)
  78. Etter, R. J., Cutbirth, J. M., Ceccio, S. L., Dowling, D. R., Perlin, M. “High Reynolds Number Experimentation in the U. S. Navy’s William B. Morgan Large Cavitation Channel,” Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp 1701-1709 (2005)
  79. Oweis, G. and S. L. Ceccio, “Instantaneous and Time Averaged Flow Fields of Multiple Vortices in the Tip Region of a Ducted Propulsor,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 38, pp 615-636 (2005)
  80. Oweis, G., I. E. van der Hout, C. Iyer, G. Tryggvason, and S. L. Ceccio, “Capture and Inception of Bubbles Near Line Vortices,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17, No. 2, Art. No. 022105 (2005)
  81. Bourgoyne, D., S. L. Ceccio, and D. Dowling, “Dynamic Flow Over a Hydrofoil at High Reynolds Number,” Journal Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 531, pp 293-324 (2005)
  82. Tortora, P. R., S.L. Ceccio, S.M. Trujillo, T.J. O’Hern, and K.A. Shollenberger. “Capacitance Measurements of Solids Concentration in Gas-solid Flows,” Powder Technology, Vol. 148, pp 92-101 (2004)
  83. Winkel, E. S., S. L. Ceccio, D. R. Dowling, and M. Perlin, “Bubble size distributions produced by wall injection of air into flowing fresh water, salt water, and surfactant solutions,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 37, pp 802-810, (2004)
  84. Upatnieks, A., Driscoll, J.F., Ceccio, S. L., “Assessment of the theory of jet flame stabilization – using time-resolved PIV measurements of flame propagation velocities,” Combustion and Flame, Vol. 138, pp 259-272 (2004)
  85. Oweis, G., J. Choi, S. L. Ceccio, “Measurement of the Dynamics and Acoustic Transients Generated by Laser Induced Cavitation Bubbles,” Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, Vol. 115, pp 1049-1058 (2004)
  86. Bourgoyne, D., J. Hamel, S. L. Ceccio, and D. Dowling, “Time-Averaged Flow Over a Hydrofoil at High Reynlds Number,” Journal Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 496, pp 365-404 (2003)
  87. Huang C, J. Lee, W. W. Schultz, and S. L. Ceccio, “Singularity image method for electrical impedance tomography of bubbly flows,” Inverse Problems, Vol. 19, pp 919-930 (2003).
  88. Che, J., S. L. Ceccio, and G. Tryggvason, “Computations of Structures Formed by the Solidification of Impinging Molten Metal Drops,” Journal Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 28, pp 127-144, (2003)
  89. Judge, J. A., S. L. Ceccio, and C. Pierre, “Traveling-Wave Excitation and Optical Measurement Techniques for Non-Contacting Investigation of Bladed Disk Dynamics,” Shock and Vibration Digest, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp 183-190, (2003).
  90. Iyer, C. and S. L. Ceccio, “The influence of Developed Cavitation on the Flow of a Turbulent Shear Layer,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 14, No. 10, pp 3414 – 3431 (2002)
  91. Upatnieks, A., J. Driscoll, and S. L. Ceccio, “Assessment of the Theory of Jet Flame Stabilization Using Cinema PIV Measurements of Flame Base Propagation Velocities”, Proc. Combustion Institute, Vol. 29, (2002)
  92. Upatnieks, A., K. Laberteaux, and S. L. Ceccio, “A Kilohertz Frame-Rate Cinemagraphic PIV System for Laboratory Scale Turbulent and Unsteady Flows,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 32, pp 87-98 (2002)
  93. George, D. L., K. A. Shollenberger, J. R. Torczynski T. J. O’Hern, and S. L. Ceccio, “Three-phase material distribution measurements in a vertical flow using gamma-densitometry tomography and electrical impedance tomography,” International Journal Multiphase Flow, Vol. 27, No. 11, pp 1903-1930 (2001)
  94. Tryggvason, G., M. Thouless, D. Dutta, S. L. Ceccio, and D. M. Tilbury, “The new mechanical engineering curriculum at the University of Michigan,” Journal Engineering Education, Vol. 90, No. 3, pp 437-444 (2001)
  95. Laberteaux, K. L. and S. L. Ceccio, “Partial cavity flows: Part 1- Cavities forming at the vertices of wedges,” Journal Fluid Mechanics, 431, pp 1 -41 (2001)
  96. Laberteaux, K. L. and S. L. Ceccio, “Partial cavity flows: Part 2- Cavities forming at the leading edge of hydrofoils,” Journal Fluid Mechanics, 431, 43 -63 (2001)
  97. Chambers S, D., S. L. Ceccio, G. R. H. Bartlett, “Hemolytic Potential of Hydrodynamic Cavitation,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 122, 4, 321-6 (2000)
  98. George, D. L., C. O. Iyer, and S. L. Ceccio, “Measurement of the Bubbly Flow Beneath Partial Attached Cavities Using Electrical Impedance Probes,” Journal Fluids Engineering, 122, 151-155 (2000)
  99. George, D. L., J. R. Torczynski, K. A. Shollenberger, T. J. O’Hern, and S. L. Ceccio, “Validation of Electrical Impedance Tomography for Measurement of Material Distribution in Two-Phase Flows,” International Journal Multiphase Flow, 26, 549-581, (2000)
  100. Chambers S, D., S. L. Ceccio, G. R. H. Bartlett, “Determination of the in vivo cavitation nuclei characteristics of blood,” ASAIO Journal, 45(6), 541-549 (1999)
  101. Chambers S, D., S. L. Ceccio, G. S. Annich, and R. H. Bartlett, “Extreme Negative Pressure Does Not Cause Erythrocyte Damage In Flowing Blood,” ASAIO Journal, 45(5), 431-435 (1999)
  102. Tassin Leger, A. and S. L. Ceccio, “Experimental Examination of the Flow Near the Leading Edge of an Attached Cavity: Part 1- Detachment of Two-Dimensional Cavities,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 376, 61-90 (1998)
  103. Tassin Leger, A., S. L. Ceccio, and L. P. Bernal, “Experimental Examination of the Flow Near the Leading Edge of an Attached Cavity: Part 2- Incipient Breakdown of Two-Dimensional Cavities,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 376, 91-113 (1998)
  104. Laberteaux, K., S. L. Ceccio, V. Mastrocola, and J. L. Lowrance, “High Speed Digital Imaging of Cavitating Vortices,” Experiments in Fluids, 24, pp 489-498 (1998)
  105. Yu, P.-W. and S. L. Ceccio, “Bubble Populations Downstream of an Attached Cavity,” Journal Fluids Engineering., 119, 782-787 (1997)
  106. Nishida, K., S. L. Ceccio, S. L., D. Assanis, N. Tamaki, and H. Hiroyasu, “Characterization of Cavitation Flow in a Simple Hole Nozzle,”International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, Vol. 24, pp 370-379 (1997)
  107. Ceccio, S. L., S. Gowing, and Y. Shen, “The Effects of Salt Water on Bubble Cavitation,” Journal Fluids Engineering, 119, 155-163 (1997)
  108. Li, C.-Y. and S. L. Ceccio, “Interaction of Traveling Bubbles with the Boundary Layer and Attached Cavitation,” Journal Fluid Mechanics, 322, 329-353 (1996)
  109. Ceccio, S. L. and D.L. George, “A Review of Electrical Impedance Techniques for the Measurement of Multiphase Flows,” Journal Fluids Engineering, 118. pp 391-399 (1996)
  110. Tassin, A.L., C.-Y. Li, S. L. Ceccio, and L. P. Bernal, “Velocity Field Measurements in Cavitating Flows,” Experiments in Fluids, 20, 125-130 (1995)
  111. Yu, P.-W., S. L. Ceccio, and G. Tryggvason, “The Collapse of a Cavitation Bubble in Shear Flows- A Numerical Study,” Physics of Fluids, 7, 2608-2616 (1995)
  112. Kuhn De Chizelle, Y., S. L. Ceccio and C. E. Brennen, “Observations, Scaling, and Modeling of Traveling Bubble Cavitation,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 293, 99-126, (1995)
  113. Ginder, J. M. and S. L. Ceccio, “Observations of the Response of Electro-rheological Materials to Step Electrical Transients,” Journal Rheology, 39 (1), 211-234, (1995)
  114. Ceccio, S. L. and A.S. Wineman, “Influence of Orientation of Electric Field on Shear Flow of Electrorheological Fluids,” Journal Rheology, 38 (3), 453-463, (1994)
  115. Ceccio, S. L. and C. E. Brennen, “Dynamics of Attached Cavities on Bodies of Revolution,” Journal Fluids Engineering, 114, 93-99, (1992)
  116. Ceccio, S. L. and C. E. Brennen, “Observations of the Dynamics and Acoustics of Traveling Bubble Cavitation,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 233, 633-660, (1991)

Refereed conference or symposium proceedings:

  1. Knister, D., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L., “Measurement of pressure drop leading to cavitation inception during the interaction of a pair of line vortices”, Proc. 34th Symposium of Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington D. C. (2022)
  2. Lucido, N., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L., “A time-resolved 3-D X-ray computed tomography system to study optically opaque multiphase flows”, Proc. 34th Symposium of Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington D. C. (2022)
  3. Ganesh, H., Bhatt, A., and Ceccio, S. L., “Influence of tunnel blockage on the partial cavity dynamics of cavitating NACA0015 hydrofoils”, Proc. 34th Symposium of Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington D. C. (2022)
  4. Knister, D., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L., “An Experimental Study of Cavitation Inception Due to Vortex Interaction”, Proc. 11th International Symposium of Cavitation, CAV2021, Daejon, Korea (2021)
  5. Bhatt, A., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L., “Cavitation Dynamics Over a Pitching Hydrofoil”, Proc. 11th International Symposium of Cavitation, CAV2021, Daejon, Korea (2021)
  6. Lucido, N.A., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L., “A High-Speed Limited Angle Tomography System for Optically Opaque Multiphase Flows”, Proc. 11th International Symposium of Cavitation, CAV2021, Daejon, Korea (2021)
  7. Bhatt, A., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L. “Cavitation in the Wake of a Backward Facing Step”, Proc. of 33nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Osaka, Japan (2020)
  8. Knister, D., Callison, E., Ganesh, H. and Ceccio, S. L. “Experimental Study of Cavitation Inception During the Interaction of Vortices”, Proc. of 33nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Osaka, Japan (2020)
  9. Ganesh, H., Deijlen, L., Bhatt, A., Wu, J., and Ceccio, S. L. “Cavitation Dynamics in Wakes of Bluff Bodies”, Proc. of 32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hamburg, Germany (2018)
  10. Bhatt, A., Wu, J., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L. “Spatially Resolved X-ray Void-fraction Measurements of a Cavitating NACA0015 Hydrofoil”, Proc. of 32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hamburg, Germany (2018)
  11. Russell, P. S., Venning, J. A., Brandner, P. A., Pearce, B. W., Giosio, D. R., Ceccio, S. L. “Microbubble Disperse Flow about a Lifting Surface”, Proc. of 32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hamburg, Germany (2018)
  12. Hartenberger, J., Gose, J., Ceccio, S. L., and Perlin, M. “Flow and Drag Measurements over Soft Biofilm”, Proc. of 32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hamburg, Germany (2018)
  13. Barbaca, L., Brandner, P., Ceccio, S. L., Ganesh, H., Pearce, B. “An Experimental Study of Unsteady Behaviour of Cavity Flow Over a 2-D Wall-Mounted Fence”, Proc, of 10th International Cavitation Symposium (CAV2018), Baltimore, (2018)
  14. Bhatt, A., Ceccio, S. L., Deijlen, L., Ganesh, H. “Cavitation Dynamics in Wakes Behind Bluff Bodies”, Proc, of 10th International Cavitation Symposium (CAV2018), Baltimore, (2018)
  15. Bhatt, A., Ceccio, S. L., Ganesh, H., Wu, J. “Synchronized X-ray Densitometry and Surface Pressure Measurements on a Cavitating NACA0015 Hydrofoil to Estimate Bubbly Shock Properties”, Proc, of 10th International Cavitation Symposium (CAV2018), Baltimore, (2018)
  16. Gose, J. W., Golovin, K. B., Barros, J. M., Schultz, M. P., Perlin, M., & Ceccio, S. L. 2017. Laser Doppler Velocimetry Measurements of a Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow over Sprayed Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Proc. 10th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Chicago, (2017)
  17. Harwood, C., Ward, J., Felli, M., Falchi, M., Ceccio, S. L, and Young, Y. L. “Experimental Measurements and Inverse Modeling of the Dynamic Loads and Vibration Characteristics of a Surface-Piercing Hydrofoil,” Proc. Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, SMP 17, Espoo, Finland, (2017)
  18. Gose, J. W., Golovin, K., Barros, J., Schultz, M., Tuteja, A., Ceccio, S. L. and Perlin, M. 2016. “Biomimetic Super-Hydrophobic Surfaces for Drag Reduction,” Proc. 10th Symposium on High-Performance Marine Vehicles (HIPER 2016), Cortona, Italy. (2016)
  19. Gose, J. W., Golovin, K., Tuteja, A., Ceccio, S. L., and Perlin, M. 2016. “Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Skin-Friction Drag Reduction Using Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Proc. 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Monterey USA (2016)
  20. Ganesh, H., Wu, J., and Ceccio, S. L. “Investigation of Cavity Shedding Dynamics on a NACA0015 Hydrofoil Using Time Resolved X-ray Densitometry,” Proc. 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Monterey USA (2016)
  21. Mäkiharju, S., and Ceccio, S. L., “Experimental Study on the Formation an Air Layer with Gas Injection from Discrete Sources,” Proc. 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Monterey USA (2016)
  22. Harwood, C. M., Ward, J. C., Young, Y. L., and Ceccio, S. L. “Experimental Investigation of the Hydro-Elastic Response of a Flexible Surface-Piercing Hydrofoil in Multi-Phase Flow,” Proc. 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Monterey USA (2016)
  23. Brandner, P. A., Pearce, B.W., and Ceccio, S. L. “Microbubble Generation from Sheet Cavitation Condensation and Turbulent Breakup,” Proc. 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Monterey USA (2016)
  24. Harwood, C. M., Stankovich, A. J., Young, Y. L., and Ceccio, S. L. “Combined Experimental and Numerical Study of the Free Vibration of Surface-Piercing Struts,” Proc. Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu (2016)
  25. Ganesh, H., Mäkiharju, S., and Ceccio, S. L. “Interaction of a Compressible Bubbly Flow With an Obstacle Placed Within a Shedding Partial Cavity,” Proc. of CAV2015, Lausanne, Switzerland (2015)
  26. Mäkiharju, S., Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L. “Effect of Non-Condensable Gas Injection on Cavitation Dynamics of Partial Cavities,” Proc. of CAV2015, Lausanne, Switzerland (2015)
  27. Mäkiharju, S., Mychkovsky, A. G., Buchanan, Jr., J. R., Hogan, K. J., Lowe, K. T., and Ceccio, S. L. “Experimental Characterization of Interchannel Mixing Through a Narrow Gap,” Proc. 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Chicago (2015)
  28. Doctors, L. J., Wiggins, A. D., Zalek, S. F., Perlin, M., Ceccio, S. L., Etter, R. J., and Wilson, R. A. “Experiments on the Resistance and Lift of a Surface Effect Bow Seal” Proc. of the 30th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hobart, Tasmania (2014)
  29. Harwood, C., Brucker, K. A., Montero, F.M., Young, Y. L., and Ceccio, S. L. “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Ventilation Inception and Washout Mechanisms of a Surface-Piercing Hydrofoil” Proc. of the 30th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hobart, Tasmania (2014)
  30. Ganesh, H., Mäkiharju, S., and Ceccio, S. L. “Partial Cavity Shedding Due to the Propagation of Shock Waves in Bubbly Flows” Proc. of the 30th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hobart, Tasmania (2014)
  31. Mäkiharju, S., Ganesh, H. and Ceccio, S. L. “Effect of Gas Injection on the Bubble Population Downstream of a Cavitating Wedge” Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flows, Jeju, Korea (2013)
  32. Beig, S. A., Hartenberg, J., Lee, I. H., Ceccio, S. L., and Johnsen, E. “Direct simulations of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for interfacial flows”, Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flows, Jeju, Korea (2013)
  33. Mäkiharju, S., Gabillet, C., Perlin, M. and Ceccio, S. L. “Time Resolved X-ray Densitometry of Ventilated Partial Cavity” Proc. of the 8th Int. Symposium on Cavitation – CAV2012, Singapore (2012)
  34. Ganesh, H., Paik, B.-G., Pinheiro, A., and Ceccio, S. L. “Cavitation Bubbles Incepting In Delta-Wing Vortices” Proc. of the 8th Int. Symposium on Cavitation – CAV2012, Singapore (2012)
  35. Ganesh, H., Mäkiharju, S., Paik, B.-G., and Ceccio, S. L., “Investigation of Partial Cavitation and Its Transition to Cloud Cavitation Using Time Resolved X-Ray Densitometry” Proc. of the 29th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Gothenburg (2012)
  36. Mäkiharju, S., Perlin, M. and Ceccio, S. L. “Time Resolved X-ray Densitometry of Cavitating and Ventilated Partial Cavities” Proc. of the 29th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Gothenburg (2012)
  37. Mäkiharju, S. and Ceccio, S. L., “Time Resolved X-Ray Densitometry System for Cavitating Flows,” Proc. WIMRC 3rd International Cavitation Forum, Warwick (2011)
  38. Ceccio. S. L. “Air Layer Drag Reduction,” Proc. of the 28th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Pasadena (2010) (invited)
  39. Mäkiharju, S., Elbing, B., Wiggins, A., Dowling, D. R., Perlin, M, and Ceccio, S. L. “Ventilated Partial Cavity Flows at High Reynolds Numbers,” Proc. of the 7th International Conf. on Multiphase Flow, Tampa, (2010)
  40. Ganesh, H., Chang, N., and Ceccio, S. L. “Tip Vortex Cavitation Suppression by Water and Polymer Injection,” Proc. of the 7th International Conf. on Multiphase Flow, Tampa, (2010)
  41. Mychkovsky, A., Rangarajan, D. and Ceccio, S. L., “LDV techniques to simultaneously measure gas and particulate phase velocities in a jet plume in a 2D bubbling fluidized bed,” Proc. of the 7th International Conf. on Multiphase Flow, Tampa, (2010)
  42. Aphale, C. R., Schultz, W. W., and Ceccio, S. L. “Aeration in lubrication flows with application to reduced disengaged drag torque in clutches,” Proc. of the 7th International Conf. on Multiphase Flow, Tampa, (2010)
  43. Chang, N., Yakushuji, R. Ganesh, H., and Ceccio, S. L. “Mechanism and Scalability of Tip Vortex Cavitation Suppression by Water and Polymer Injection,” Proc. 7th International Symposium on Cavitation- CAV009, Ann Arbor, (2009)
  44. Chang, N. and Ceccio, S. L. “Incepting cavitation acoustic emissions due to vortex stretching,” Proc. 7th International Symposium on Cavitation- CAV009, Ann Arbor, (2009)
  45. Holland, D. E., Filippi, S., Castanier, M. P., Ceccio, S. L., and Epureanu, B. I. “Integrated Testing and Calibration Procedures for Mistuning Identification and Traveling Wave Excitation of Blisks,” Proc. A.S.M.E. Turbo Expo 2009, Orlando, (2009)
  46. Yakushiji, R., Chang, N.A., Ceccio, S. L. “Tip Vortex Cavitation Suppression by Water and Polymer Injection,” Proc. of 27th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Seoul (2008)
  47. Elbing, B. R., Dowling, D. R., Solomon, M. J., Perlin, M. and Ceccio, S. L. “Polymer Degradation within a High-Reynolds-Number, Flat-Plate Turbulent Boundary Layer that is Fully Rough,” Proc. of 27th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Seoul (2008)
  48. Lay, K. A., Elbing, B. R., Yakushiji, R., Perlin, M., and Ceccio, S. L. “Skin-Friction Drag Reduction by Air Layers and Partial Cavities,” Proc. of 27th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Seoul (2008)
  49. Ceccio, S. L., “Quantitative Measurements in Multiphase Flows Using Gamma Densitometry Tomography and Electrical Impedance Tomography,” Proc. 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow- ICMF 2007, Leipzig, (2007) (Keynote)
  50. Elbing, B. R., Winkel, E. S., Perlin, M., Dowling, D. R., and Ceccio, S. L., “Investigation of Drag Reduction Methods by Air Injection beneath a Turbulent Boundary Layer at High-Reynolds-Number,” Proc. 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow- ICMF 2007, Leipzig, (2007)
  51. Chang, N.A., Choi, J., Yakushiji, R., Dowling, D. R., and Ceccio, S. L., “Dynamics and Noise Emission of Cavitation Bubbles in Multiple Vortex Flow,” Proc. 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow- ICMF 2007, Leipzig, (2007)
  52. Steinberg, A.M., Driscoll, J. F., Micka1, D. J., Ceccio, S. L., and Carter, C. D., “A Cinema Stereoscopic PIV System for the Measurement of Micro and Meso-Scale Turbulent Premixed Flame Dynamics,” Proc. of the 5th U.S. Combustion Meeting Organized by the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, La Jolla, (2007)
  53. Almeida, T. G., Walker, D. T., Leighton, R. I., Alajbegovic, A., Pankajakshan, R., Taylor, L. K., Whitfield, D. L., and Ceccio, S. L., “A Reynolds Averaged Model for the Prediction of Friction Drag Reduction by Polymer Additives,” Proc. 26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, (2006)
  54. Winkel, E. S., G. Oweis, S.A., Vanapalli, D. R. Dowling, M. Perlin, M. J. Solomon, and S. L. Ceccio, “Friction Drag Reduction at High Reynolds Numbers with Wall Injected Polymer Solutions,” Proc. 26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, (2006)
  55. Choi, J. C., Hsiao, C.-T., Chahine, G., and Ceccio, S. L., “Dynamics and Noise Emission of Vortex Cavitation Bubbles,” Proc. 26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, (2006)
  56. Choi, J., Chang, N., Yakushiji, R., Dowling, D. R., and Ceccio, S. L., “Dynamics and Noise Emission of Vortex Cavitation Bubbles in Single and Multiple Vortex Flow,” Proc. CAV2006, Wageningen, (2006)
  57. Li, J., Castanier, M. P., Pierre, C., and Ceccio, S. L., “Experimental Monte Carlo Mistuning Assessment of Bladed Disk Vibration Using Forcing Variations,” AIAA Paper 2006-1964, Proc. of the 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Newport, RI, (2006).
  58. Winkel, E. S., Elbing, B. R., Dowling, D. R., Ceccio, S. L., and Perlin, M. “High-Reynolds-Number Turbulent-Boundary-Layer Surface Pressure Fluctuations with Bubble or Polymer Additives,” Proc. of 2005 ASME I.M.E.C.E, Orlando, (2005).
  59. Ceccio, S. L. “Quantitative Measurements Using Electrical Impedance Tomography,” Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Meeting, FEDSM2005-77483, Houston (2005) (Keynote)
  60. Winkel, E. S., Dowling, D. R., Perlin, M., and Ceccio, S. L., “Turbulent Boundary Layer Drag Reduction at High Reynolds Numbers with Wall-Injected Polymer Solution,” Proc. FAST’2005, St. Petersburg, Russia (2005)
  61. Shen, X. S., Winkel, E., Ceccio, S. L., Perlin, M. “Influence of Bubble Size Reduction on Micro-bubble Drag Reduction,” Proc. FAST’2005, St. Petersburg, Russia (2005)
  62. Shen, X. S., Ceccio, S. L., Perlin, M. “Effects of Seawater and the Resulting Bubble Size on Micro-bubble Drag Reduction,” Proc. of 2nd Int. Symp. on Seawater Drag Reduction, Busan, Korea (2005) (Keynote)
  63. Garwood, G. C., Winkel, E. S., Vanapalli, S., Elbing, B., Walker, D. T., Ceccio, S. L., Perlin, M., Solomon, M. J., “Drag Reduction by a Homogenous Polymer Solution in Large Diameter, High Shear Pipe Flow,” Proc. of 2nd Int. Symp. on Seawater Drag Reduction, Busan, Korea (2005)
  64. Kunz, R. F., Gibeling, H. J., Maxey, M. R., Tryggvason, G., Fontaine, A. A., Petrie, H. L., and Ceccio, S. L.”Validation of Two-Fluid Eulerian CFD Modeling for Microbubble Drag Reduction across a Wide Range of Reynolds Numbers,” Proc. of 2nd Int. Symp. on Seawater Drag Reduction, Busan, Korea (2005)
  65. Aphale C.R., Cho J, Schultz W.W., Ceccio S.L., Yoshioka T, Hiraki H. “Modeling of Torque in Clutch Plates,” Proc. of the ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC 2004, pp.1009-1018 (2004)
  66. Sanders. W. C., Cho, J., S. L. Ceccio, D. R. Dowling, M. Perlin, “Microbubble Drag Reduction at High Reynolds Numbers,” Proc. 25th Symp. On Naval Hydrodynamics, St. John’s, Canada (2004)
  67. Trujillo, S. M., O’Hern, T. J., Oelfke, J. B., Tortora, P. R., and Ceccio, S. L., “Solids Loading Measurements in a Gas-Solid Riser,” Proc. of 2004 ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, HT-FED2004-56602, Charlotte (2004)
  68. Rebow, M., Choi, J., Chahine, G. L., Ceccio, S. L., “Experimental Validation of BEM code analysis of bubble splitting in a tip vortex flow,” Proc. of the 11th Symp. on Flow Visualization, South Bend, (2004)
  69. Bian, S., Ceccio, S. L., and Driscoll, J. F., “Simultaneous velocity/concentration measurements of a turbulent water jet using CPIV and CPLIF,” Proc. of the 11th Symp. on Flow Visualization, South Bend, (2004)
  70. Sanders, W. C., Cho, J., Dowling, D., Perlin, M., Ceccio, S. L. “Bubble drag reduction at large scales and high Reynolds numbers” Proc. of the 34th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, Portland, Paper number 2004-2393. (2004) (Invited).
  71. Sick, V., J. F. Driscoll, S. L. Ceccio, “Spectroscopic and Instrumentation Needs for Quantitative Measurements in Non-Stationary high-Pressure Combustion Systems,” Proc. JANNAF 39th Combustion/27th Airbreathing Propulsion/21st Propulsion Systems Hazards/3rd Modeling and Simulation Joint Subcommittee Meeting, Colorado Springs, (2003)
  72. Choi, J., G. Oweis. and S. L. Ceccio, “Vortex-Vortex Interactions and Cavitation Inception,” Proc. of CAV2003, Osaka, Japan (2003)
  73. Oweis, G., S. L. Ceccio, C. J. Chesnakas, D. Fry, and S. D. Jessup “Tip Leakage Vortex (TLV) Variability from a ducted propeller under steady operation and its implications on cavitation inception,” Proc. of CAV2003, Osaka, Japan (2003)
  74. Oweis, G. F., J. Choi, S. L. Ceccio, “Dynamics and Noise Emission of Laser Induced Bubbles in a Vortical Flow Field,” Proc. of the 4th A.S.M.E.-J.S.M.E. Joint Fluids Engineering Conf., Honolulu, (2003)
  75. Sanders. W. C., E. M. Ivy, S. L. Ceccio, D. R. Dowling, M. Perlin, “Microbubble Drag Reduction at High Reynolds Number,” Proc. of the 4th A.S.M.E.-J.S.M.E. Joint Fluids Engineering Conf., Honolulu, (2003)
  76. Tortora, P. R., S.L. Ceccio, W.W. Schultz, J.R. Torczynski, T.J. O’Hern, and S.M. Trujillo, “An Electrical-Impedance Tomography System For Collecting Validation-Quality Data From Gas-Solid Flows.” Proc. of the 3rd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Banff, Canada (2003)
  77. Bourgoyne, D., J. Hamel , C. Judge, S. L. Ceccio, D. R. Dowling. And J. M. Cutbirth, “Hydrofoil Near Wake Structures and Dynamics at High Reynolds Number” Proc. 24th Symp. On Naval Hydrodynamics, Fukouka, Japan (2002)
  78. Ceccio, S. L., W. Sanders, D. Dowling, M. Perlin, “The University of Michigan HIPLATE Experiment,” Proc. 3rd Symposium on the Smart Control of Turbulence, Tokyo, Japan (2002)
  79. Pierre, C., Judge, J., Ceccio, S. L., and Castanier, M. P., “Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Random and Intentional Mistuning on the Vibration of Bladed Disks,” Proc. of the 7th National Turbine Engine High Cycle Fatigue Conference, Palm Beach Gardens, (2002)
  80. Judge, J. A., Pierre, C., and S. L. Ceccio, “Mistuning Identification in Bladed Disks,” Proc. of the International Conference on Structural Dynamics Modeling, Madeira Island, Portugal, (2002)
  81. Bourgoyne, D., C. Judge, J. Hamel, S. L. Ceccio, and D. R. Dowling, “Lifting Surface Flow, Pressure, and Vibration at High Reynolds Number,” Proc. A. S. M. E. IMEC, New York, (2001)
  82. Huang, C., Lee, J., W. W. Schultz and S. L. Ceccio, “Singularity Image Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography of Bubbly Flows,” Proc. 2nd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Hannover, Germany, pp 661-666, (2001)
  83. Ceccio, S. L., C. Iyer, G. Sassanelli, “Numerical Studies of Bubbles Captured by a Gaussian Vortex,” Proc. CAV2001, Pasadena, (2001)
  84. Ceccio, S. L., C. Judge, D. Fry, C. Chesnakas, S. Jessup, G. F. Oweis, “Cavitation Inception in Tip Leakage Vortices,” Proc. CAV2001, Pasadena, (2001)
  85. Ceccio, S. L., C. Judge, D. Fry, C. Chesnakas, S. Jessup, G. F. Oweis, “PIV Measurement of a Tip Leakage Vortex,” Proc. 26th American Towing Tank Conference, New York, (2001)
  86. Ceccio, S. L., C. Judge, D. Fry, C. Chesnakas, S. Jessup, G. F. Oweis, “Cavitation Inception in Tip Leakage Vortices,” Proc. AIAA Summer Meeting, Anaheim, (2001) (Invited)
  87. Trujillo, S. M., T. J. O’Hern, K. A. Schollenberger, J. R. Torczynski, P.R. Tortora, S. L. Ceccio, “Baseline Measurement and Advanced Diagnostic Development in the Sandia-MFDRC Gas-Solid Riser,” Proc. 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, New Orleans, (2001)
  88. Fernandez, A., G. Tryggvason, J. Che, and S. L. Ceccio, “Effect of Electrostatic Forces on the Phase Distribution in a Droplet Suspension,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, New Orleans, (2001)
  89. George D. L., J. R. Torczynski, K. A. Shollenberger, and T. J. O’Hern, P. Tortora, S. L. Ceccio, , “Quantitative Electrical Impedance Tomography in a Electrically Conducting Bubble-Column Vessel,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, New Orleans, (2001)
  90. Judge, J., C. Pierre, and S. L. Ceccio, “Experimental Validation of Mistuning Identification Techniques and Vibration Predictions in Bladed Disks,” Proc. International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Madrid, Spain, (2001)
  91. Upatnieks, A., S. L. Ceccio, J. F. Driscoll, “Stabilization of a Lifted Turbulent Jet Flame Studied Using Cinema-PIV at 8000 Frames/Second,” Proc. 2nd Joint Meeting of the US Sections of the Combustion Institute, Oakland, (2001)
  92. Upatnieks, A., S. L. Ceccio, J. F. Driscoll, “Cinemagraphic PIV Investigations of the Lifted Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flame Stabilization Region,” Proc. 39th AIAA Aerospace Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, AIAA 2001-0698, (2001)
  93. Judge, J., C. Pierre, and S. L. Ceccio, “Experimental Identification of Mistuning in Blisks,” Proc. 6th National Turbine Engine High Cycle Fatigue Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, (2001)
  94. Pierre, C., S. L. Ceccio, J. Judge, C. Cross, “Experimental Investigation of Mistuned Bladed Disk Vibration,” Proc. 5th National Turbine Engine High Cycle Fatigue Conference, Chandler, (2000)
  95. Bourgoyne, D., S. L. Ceccio, D. R. Dowling, S. Jessup, J. Park, W. Brewer, R. Pankajakshan, “Hydrofoil Turbulent Boundary Layer Separation at High Reynolds Numbers,” Proc. 23rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Val de Reuil, France (2000)
  96. George D. L., S. L. Ceccio, J. R. Torczynski, K. A. Shollenberger, and T. J. O’Hern, “Quantitative Phase Distribution Measurements in Three-Phase Flows,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, A. S. M. E. FEDSM99-7375 (1999)
  97. Iyer, C. , S. L. Ceccio, and G. Tryggvason, “Capture of a Bubble by a Concentrated Vortex, Proc. A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, A. S. M. E. FED, (1999)
  98. Che, J., S. L. Ceccio, and G. Tryggvason, “Computations of Structures Formed by the Solidification of Impinging Molten Metal Drops,” Proc. of the 1999 TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, (1999)
  99. Laberteaux, K. R. and S. L. Ceccio, “Partial Attached Cavitation on Two- and Three-Dimensional Hydrofoils,” Proc. 22nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington D.C. (1998)
  100. Ceccio, S. L., D. L. George, and C. O. Iyer, , “Investigation of the Dynamics of Attached Cavitation on Hydrofoils,” Proc. 25th American Towing Tank Conference, Iowa City, (1998)
  101. George, D. L., S. L. Ceccio, T. J. O’Hern, K. A. Shollenberger, and J. R. Torczynski, “Advanced Material Distribution Measurement in Multiphase Flows: a Case Study,” Proc. A. S. M. E. International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, FED-Vol. 247, 31-42, (1998)
  102. George, D. L., S. L. Ceccio, K. A. Schollenberger, J. R. Torczynski, and T. J. O’Hern, “Comparison of Electrical-Impedance Tomography and Gamma-Densitometry Tomography for the Measurement of Gas Volume Fraction Profiles in a Bubble Column,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Washington D. C., (1998)
  103. Che, J., S. L. Ceccio, and G. Tryggvason, “Computations of the Impingement and Solidification of Molten Drops,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Washington D. C., (1998)
  104. Iyer, C., K. R. Laberteaux, and S. L. Ceccio, “An Experimental Study of Cavitating and Non-Cavitating Shear Flows,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Washington D. C., (1998)
  105. Chambers S, D., S. L. Ceccio, G. S. Annich, and R. H. Bartlett , “Extreme Negative Pressure Does Not Cause Erythrocyte Damage In Flowing Blood,” Proc. of the 44th ASAIO Annual Conference, New York, (1998)
  106. Chambers S, D., S. L. Ceccio, and R. H. Bartlett, “A novel flow apparatus for investigating cavitation physics in blood” , Proc. of the 44th ASAIO Annual Conference, New York, (1998)
  107. Chambers S, D., S. L. Ceccio, and R. H. Bartlett, “Spherical bubble dynamics: a model to predict red blood cell damage by hydrodynamic cavitation” Proc. of the Third International Symposium of Cavitation, Grenoble, France, (1998)
  108. Laberteaux, K. R. and S. L Ceccio, “Flow in the Closure Region of Closed Partial Attached Cavitation,” Proc. of the Third International Symposium of Cavitation, Grenoble, France, (1998)
  109. Ceccio, S. L. and D. L. George, “An Electrical Impedance Method for Measurements of Attached Cavitation,” Proc. A. S. M. E. International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, FED-Vol. 244, 338-345, (1997)
  110. Chambers S, D., S. L. Ceccio, and R. H. Bartlett, “A model to predict damage to red blood cells by hydrodynamic cavitation,” Proc. of the BMES 1997 Fall Meeting, San Diego, (1997)
  111. Laberteaux, K. and S. L. Ceccio, “Flow in the Closure Region of Stable Attached Cavity,” Proc. of the A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vancouver, Canada, (1997)
  112. Che, J., J. Han, G. Tryggvason, and S. L. Ceccio, “Impingement and Solidification of Liquid Metal Drops,” Proc. of the A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, (1997)
  113. Schollenberger, K. A., J. R. Torczynski, T. J. O’Hern, D. R. Adkins, S. L. Ceccio, and D. L. George, “Comparison of Gamma-Densitometry Tomography and Electrical-Impedance Tomography for Determining Material Distribution in Liquid-Solid Flows,” Proc. of the A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, (1997)
  114. Nishida, K., S. L. Ceccio, S. L., D. Assanis, N. Tamaki, and H. Hiroyasu, “Characterization of Cavitation Flow in a Simple Hole Nozzle,” Proc. of ICLASS-’97, Seoul, Korea,(1997)
  115. Tilbury, D. M., S. L. Ceccio, and G. Tryggvason, “Restructuring the Undergraduate Curriculum of the Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Department at the University of Michigan,” Proc. of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Milwaukee, (1997)
  116. Tassin, A. L., P.-W. Yu, K. R. Laberteaux, and S. L. Ceccio, “Examination of the Flow Near the Leading Edge and Closure of Stable Attached Cavitation,” Proc. of 21st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Trondheim, Norway (1996)
  117. Torczynski, J. R., T. J. O’Hern,., K. A. Shollenberger, S. L. Ceccio, and A. L. Tassin, “Finite Element Method Electrical Impedance Tomography for Phase Distribution Determination in Multiphase Flows: Validation Calculations and Experiments,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Forum on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, San Diego, (1996)
  118. Yu, P.-W. and S. L. Ceccio, “Diffusion Induced Bubble Populations Downstream of a Partial Cavity,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Symp. on Cavitation and Gas-Liquid Flows in Fluid Machinery, San Diego, (1996)
  119. O’Hern, T. J., J. R. Torczynski, S. L. Ceccio, A. L. Tassin, G. L. Chahine, R. Duraiswami, K. Sadar, “Development of an Electrical Impedance Tomography System for an Air-Water Bubble Column,” Proc. Forum on Measurement Techniques in Multiphase Flows, San Francisco, (1995)
  120. George, D. L. and S. L. Ceccio, “Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Research at the University of Michigan,” Proc 24th ATTC Meeting, College Station, (1995)
  121. Ceccio, S. L., B. Gindroz and S. Gowing, “A Comparison of CSM Bubble Detection Methods,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Symp. on Cavitation and Gas-Liquid Flows in Fluid Machinery, A. S. M. E. FED 226, 43-49, Hilton Head, (1995)
  122. Li, C.-Y., S. L. Ceccio, and L. Bernal, “Interaction of Traveling Bubbles with the Boundary Layer and Attached Cavitation,” Proc. Int. Symp. on Cavitation, Deauville, France, 329-344, (1995)
  123. Yu, P.-W., S. L. Ceccio, and G. Tryggvason, “Direct Numerical Simulation of Cavitation Bubbles,” Proc. Int. Symp. on Cavitation, Deauville, France, 407-416, (1995)
  124. Ginder, J.M., L. C. Davis and S. L. Ceccio, “Transient Stresses in Electrorheological Fluids: Role of Particle Polarization Dynamics,” Proc. of the Electrorheological Material and Fluids Symp., 208th National ACS Meeting, Washington, DC, (1994)
  125. Yu, P.-W., A. Esmaeli, S. Ceccio and G. Tryggvason, “Direct Simulations of Bubbly Flows,” Proc. 20th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Santa Barbara, 209-220, (1994)
  126. Li, C.-Y. and S. L. Ceccio, “Observations of the Influence of Nuclei Content on the Inception and Form of Attached Cavitation,” Proc. 20th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, 173-191, Santa Barbara, (1994)
  127. Li, C.-Y., and S. L. Ceccio, “Observations of the Interaction of Cavitation Bubbles with Attached Cavities,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Symp. on Cavitation and Gas-Liquid Flows, A. S. M. E. FED 190, 283-290, Lake Tahoe, (1994) (Invited)
  128. Shen, Y., S. Gowing, S. L. Ceccio, “Salt Water Effects on Bubble and Sheet Cavitation,” Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Cavitation, Tokyo, Japan, 159-164, (1994)
  129. Ceccio, S. L. and A. S. Wineman, “Influence of Electric Field Orientation on Shear Flow of Electrorheological Fluids,” Proc. of A. S. M. E. Fluids Engineering Conference, A. S. M. E. FED 164, 21-27, Washington, D.C., (1993)
  130. Gowing, S., Y.T. Shen, S. L. Ceccio, “Salt Water Effects on Cavitation,” Proc. of Int. Symp. on Cavitation Inception, A. S. M. E. FED 177, 43-49, New Orleans, (1993)
  131. Kuhn De Chizelle, Y., S. L. Ceccio, C.E. Brennen and Y. Shen, “Cavitation Scaling Experiments with Headforms: Bubble Acoustics,” Proc. of 19th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Seoul, Korea, 619-631, (1992)
  132. Kuhn De Chizelle, Y., S. L. Ceccio, C.E. Brennen and Y. Shen, “Cavitation Scaling Experiments with Headforms: Bubble Dynamics,” Proc. of 2nd Int. Symp. on Propeller and Cavitation , ISPC, Hangzhou, China, 272-279, (1992)
  133. Kuhn De Chizelle, Y., S. L. Ceccio, C.E. Brennen and S. Gowing, “Scaling Experiments on the Dynamics and Acoustics of Traveling Bubble Cavitation,” Proc. of Third Int. Conference on Cavitation, Cambridge, United Kingdom, (1992)
  134. Kuhn De Chizelle, Y., S. L. Ceccio, C.E. Brennen and Y. Shen, “Cavitation Scaling Experiments with Axisymmetric Bodies,” Proc. of 23rd American Towing Tank Conference, 167-173, New Orleans, (1992)
  135. Ceccio, S. L., “Electrical Impedance Techniques for the Measurement of Multiphase Flows,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Symposium on Experimental Techniques in Multiphase Flows, A. S. M. E. FED 125, 1-8, (1991) (Invited)
  136. Ceccio, S. L. and C.E. Brennen, “Surface Dynamics of Attached Cavities,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Applied Mechanics Symp., A. S. M. E. FED 119, 9-15, Ohio State University, (1991)
  137. Ceccio, S. L. and C.E. Brennen, “Observations of the Dynamics and Acoustics of Attached Cavities,” Proc. A. S. M. E. Cavitation and Multiphase Forum, A. S. M. E. FED 98, 79-84, Toronto, Canada, (1990)
  138. Ceccio, S. L. and C.E. Brennen, “The Dynamics and Acoustics of Traveling Bubble Cavitation,” Proc. of the 18th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Ann Arbor, 331-348, (1990)
  139. Brennen, C.E. and S. L. Ceccio, “Recent Observations on Cavitation and Cavitation Noise,” Proc. Third A. S. M. E. International Symp. on Cavitation Noise and Erosion in Fluid Systems, A. S. M. E. FED 88, 67-78, (1989) (Invited)


  • M. Perlin and S. L. Ceccio, Mitigation of Hydrodynamic Resistance: Methods to Reduce Hydrodynamic Drag, World Scientific Publishing Company (2014)

Chapters in books:

  • Ganesh, H., Juliana., W., and Ceccio, S. L., “Flow-Induced Noise of Shedding Partial Cavitation on a Hydrofoil”, Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects, State College, Pennsylvania, Apr. 27 -28, Springer (2017)
  • Ceccio, S. L. and Mäkiharju, S. A. “Experimental Methods for the Study of Hydrodynamic Cavitation” in C. I. S. M. Courses and Lectures- Cavitation Instabilities and Rotordynamic Effects in Turbopumps and Hydroturbines, Ed. L. d’Agostino and M.V. Salvetti, Springer (2016)
  • Ceccio, S. L. “Cavitation”, and entry in Multiphase Flow Handbook, 2nd Edition, Ed. E. D. Michaelides, Taylor & Francis Group, (2015)
  • Oweis, G. F. and Ceccio, S. L. “Cavitation”, and entry in Multiphase Flow Handbook, 1st Edition, Ed. C. T. Crowe, Taylor & Francis Group, (2006)
  • Rothblum, R. S., Etter, R. J. and Ceccio, S. L., “Water Tunnel,” an entry in the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill, (2007)
  • Biancucci, B. and Ceccio, S. L., “Hear Valve Prostheses In Vitro Flow Dynamics”, Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation, Wiley (2006)
  • Oweis, G. and Ceccio, S. L., “Cavitation”, Multiphase Flow Handbook, CRC Press (2005)

Books edited:

  • Proceedings of CAV2009, edited by S. L. Ceccio (2009)
  • Proceedings of CAV2001, edited by R. E. A. Arndt, C. E. Brennen, and S. L. Ceccio (2001)
  • Proceedings of the A.S.M.E. Symposium on Cavitation and Gas-Liquid Flow in Fluid Machinery and Devices, edited by S. L. Ceccio, A. Furukawa, and J. H. Kim, FED-Vol. 226, New York (1995)

Government, university or industrial reports (non-refereed):

  1. Kim, M. C., Larsen, N. L., Quereda, R., Ceccio, S. L., Yakovlev, A., Grabert, R., Ohmori, T., and Yang, C.-J. “Propulsion Committee – Final Report and Recommendations to the 28th ITTC” (2016)
  2. Frechou D., Borusevich V., Ceccio S. L., Dinham-Peren T., Grabert R., Kim M. C., Korkut E., Ohmori T., and Yang C. J. “Propulsion Committee – Final Report and Recommendations to the 27th ITTC” (2014)
  3. “Shipbuilding Engineering Education Consortium (SEEC)-Viability and Operational Concepts- final Report,” Report to Naval Sea Systems Command by the National Shipbuilding Research Program (2009).
  4. Tortora, P. R., Ceccio, S. L., Torczynski, J. R., “The Equivalent Mixture Permittivity of Dielectric-Particle Distributions,” Report to Sandia National Laboratories, SAND2005-4648 (2005)
  5. O’Hern, T. J. and Ceccio, S. L., “Validation Data for Models of Contaminant Dispersal: Scaling Laws and Data Needs,” Report to Sandia National Laboratories, SAND2004-5220 (2004)
  6. Zalek, S., R. Beck, S. L. Ceccio, A. Reed, “Drag Reduction For High Speed Ship Design,” Report to the Office of Naval Research (2004)
  7. Ceccio, S. L., Beck, R, Dowling, D. R., and Perlin, M., “Design of a High-Speed Friction Drag Reduction Experiment Using the William B. Morgan Large Cavitation Channel- Phase 2,” Office of Naval Research (2004)
  8. Ceccio, S. L., Beck, R, Dowling, D. R., and Perlin, M., “Design of a High-Speed Friction Drag Reduction Experiment Using the William B. Morgan Large Cavitation Channel- Phase 1,” Office of Naval Research (2003).
  9. Liter, S. G., J. R. Torczynski, K. A. Shollenberger, and S. L. Ceccio, “Electrical-Impedance Tomography for Opaque Multiphase Flows in Metallic (Electrically-conducting) Vessels,” Report SAND2002-3834, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (2002)
  10. Ceccio, S. L., “Tracking and Remediation of Airborne Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Threats,” Report to the Institute for Defense Analysis, (2002)
  11. D. L. George, J. R. Torczynski, K. A. Shollenberger, T. J. O’Hern, and S. L. Ceccio, “Quantitative Tomographic Measurements of Opaque Multiphase Flows,” Report SAND2000-0443, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (2000)
  12. Ceccio, S. L., “Determination of Mixture Void Fractions Using Electrical Impedance Measurements- A report to General Motors Powertrain Division,” (1999)
  13. Laberteaux, K. and S. L. Ceccio, “Performance Evaluation of a Centrifugal Blood Pump – A report to 3M-Sarns,” (1999)
  14. Ceccio, S. L., “Electrostatic Cleaning of Hydraulic Fluid -A report to Hallock Hydraulic,” (1996)
  15. Ceccio, S. L., “Observations of the dynamics and Acoustics of Traveling Bubble Cavitation,” Rep. No. ENG 249.11, California Institute of Technology (1990)


  • “Durable Hydrophobic Surfaces”, Tuteja, A., Golovin, K, Gose, J. W., Boban, M., Mabry, Joseph M., Perlin, M., and Ceccio, S. L. (pending)
  • “Programmable Multi-Channel Amplitude and Phase Shifting Circuit,” K. W. Jones, C. Pierre, S. L. Ceccio, J. Judge, S. Fuchs, United States of America represented by the Secretary of the Air Force, June 2010, Patent Number 7,728,576 B1